Willkommen zu  www.interim-xl.de Powered by Bouwe van der Meer Interimsmanager und Berater 25 Jahre Erfahrung in 10 Sektoren und 20 Projekte World Wide Einsetzbar High Level Einkauf Senior Supply Chain Manager Schwertransport und Projektcargo Grüne und Haltbare Transportlösungen Intermodal Fracht Lösungen Flottenmanagement Workshops und Gastredner Finanz Restrukturierung Manufacturing and Operations Business Development und Marketing Warehousing und IT-Projekte

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How it started in 1970

1980 Company almost bankrupt

Say thank you

Results focused live started

1993 his father died

1994 1st restructuring project

1995 Back to School

1997 First “real” job Xerox

2001 Burnout

2002 Running

2007 Marathon


2006 First step into the dark

2006 First interim project

2006 Start Interim career

2012 The international dream

2013 First international project

2013 The search for a project

2014 First workshop

10 Success elements

2002 Running

The burnout never stopped him from working. Nobody at the office knew about his problems. He took another drastic decision: he stopped working at the family business.

Then, suddenly, out of the blue, as a remedy against smoking, he started running.

Nobody had seen him doing any type of sport the last 15 years, running seemed like not logical.

Running became his new way of enjoying life again and slowly he surfaced from the bottom. He met another running pal and together they joined a running club. There he was taught how to run faster and cover long distances.

His running pal became his best friend and during the long runs together they discussed each other’s problems. Within 2 years he got rid of his burnout and was full of energy again.

Running in Switzerland (2013)


Interim XL

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Bouwe van der Meer
KVK Leeuwarden: 011.177.76
VAT number: 109454376B03


De line 16 8411 TV JUBBEGA
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 6 46 84 23 31

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